Seamless online pattern maker
idea: make it possible to create patterns online with simple interface
A seamless pattern is an image that can be placed side-by-side with copies of itself without any visible seams or interruptions on the content, so you can repeat this image and create a pattern that can go on infinitely to create unique backgrounds, text effects or brand elements.
Few years ago I was asked to create yet another seamless pattern for a website background, it’s pretty tedious job to do in photoshop, and especially it takes extra time to check how pattern looks when it’s tiled. I started to ask around how hard can it be to create a seamless pattern creator online. Turns out it’s possible!
UI Design
Visual Design
Only paterns with icons?
No. We just used open source icon-packs as general universal pattern material. You can upload your own icons/graphics/ to make patterns easily.
Patternico is absolutely free! Try it yourself
Great for backgrounds
And yes with custom images you can upload anything, for example your front-end developer’s face…
Time to order some wrapping paper!
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